
A Few of My Favorite “Things”: Gentle Visibility Blogfest, Day Two

This post was originally published on the Seraph’s Quill.

Hello, there! And a HAPPY Hump Day to you!

Yesterday we discussed gratitude, and today is “a day for Self-Love” as part of the Gentle Visibility Blogfest. So, today, I thought I would “marry” the two notions together and share with you my loves.

I’m SO blessed because there are SO MANY in my life!

I don’t want to bore you, though. Kind of like when Aunt Mabel shared all those slides of her last trip with you. LOL

I’ll only share a handful.

These are some of the people and “things” I love and for which I’m grateful every day. (Not exactly in this order, though.)


20180428_171530I LOVE the ocean! AND the beach!

As of late, we’ve been trying to make it there once a week.

I don’t know. I just find it SO grounding. I feel so at home there. SO much mySelf.

And the nights that we do go? I end up sleeping like a baby.


I LOVE animals and have come to the conclusion that I’m something of an animal magnet. Whether I try or not, animals find me and gravitate to me.

Our latest move was from rural Missouri to the suburbs in South Carolina…

In Missouri, we were – naturally – surrounded by animals. I thought I would have to give that up when we moved here. I was pleasantly wrong.

This picture is of our duck friends.

Morning and evening, we joyfully watched them clean up under the bird feeder, cleaning up the mess the sparrows had left behind.

I haven’t seen much of them the past few days, though. I’m beginning to think they might have moved on for the season.

That’s okay. I have no doubts that other animals will gravitate to me in their place.

20180529_094338I love gardening!

Granted, my garden isn’t nearly as large or extensive as it was in Missouri, but that doesn’t make me love it any less.

At least, here, I can enjoy it again.

In Missouri, we had experimented with “homesteading”.

There were aspects that I very much enjoyed. The “homey-ness”. Baking and gardening – to an extent, but it felt like a constant battle. With nature, equipment failure, and squeaking out the finances to fix said equipment from an already tight budget.

It was a lifestyle that was difficult for me to love.

I have my own little patch of nature here, and that’s enough for me.

My Family!

Currently, I have Dh and LB here with me. (As well as my Brother-In-Law and his family, of course.) Unfortunately, my two eldest kids (BB and PB) stayed behind when we moved. They’re adults (as much as they and I, sometimes, dislike it. They have lives to live and families of their own.)

I do make the most of the time I have with Dh and LB, though, and we have a wonderful time together!


He’ll probably groan when he discovers that I’ve destroyed his anonymity, but I just couldn’t share my loves without sharing a tidbit about Dh.

This is a picture from our latest trip to the beach. He was “holding the line” against the breeze.


He always knows how to make me laugh. Even in those moments that laughing is the last thing I want to do.

It may sound “cliche”, but he truly IS my best friend.

20180428_135704Another picture of two of my loves together. The ocean and LB. And the beach… So, I guess that would be three loves, hmm?

I grew up in Southern California and fell in love with the sand and surf from the first moment I laid eyes on them. The beach was a huge part of my life growing up. I’m thrilled that I can share that with her as she continues to grow up.

What people and things have a huge impact on your life and make each day worth living?

May you continue to walk in love and light, my friend!

Until tomorrow,


#GentleVisibilityBlogfest, Day Two

8 thoughts on “A Few of My Favorite “Things”: Gentle Visibility Blogfest, Day Two

  1. I simply loved this post. I was a little stressed before I read it and by the time I got to the end I was so relaxed 😉

    I love my family, my business and my Self <3

    1. LOVE! I loved hearing about those things that you’re grateful for as well as the fact that the energy conveyed by the post was enough to help you feel relaxed as well! <3

  2. So fun to see what other people love! I too love the ocean, which sometimes surprises me (because I’m not always a fan of lots of people and bright sunlight, but somehow at the beach it works most of the time)

    1. I used to be a “sun-worshipper” in my youth. Guess I’m getting back to it. lol

      Surprisingly enough, even when the parking lot at the State Park is full, there’s still plenty of room on the beach itself, which works for me. Because… I’m not a fan of a lot of people either. lol

  3. I had a similar reaction as Latrelle – I felt really relaxed by the end of the article. Beautiful! Also, I laughed when I read your question near the end about who we are grateful for – because I had literally JUST looked at my two Boston Terriers and said: “I’m so grateful to have people like you in my life – well, specifically, you guys!” 😀 It’s true – the pups are my beloveds and are total joy bubbles!!

    1. LOVE the synchronicity! Will definitely have to be more conscious about the energy attached to my posts. I LOVE that this conveyed a relaxed energy, but hadn’t really considered the notion before. Which IS funny because as an empath myself, I can pick up on the energies from writing as well. lol

      Joy bubbles! LOVE IT! lol

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